
Routine, routine, rotine, roten, rote, rot

July 23, 2024
Of course there are life saving routines that no-one would want to interrupt

Routine, routine, rotine, roten, rote, rot

Routine – a tool to keep the world spinning, or ROUTINE – the grim reaper of creativity?

Of course there are life saving routines that no-one would want to interrupt: airline pilot checks before take off; hospital/clinic routines not only directly associated with the patient, but for cleanliness and safety; car servicing; bus and train safety and so on, but these are all part of a wider responsibility for the safety, health and well being of others under your care, and usually an important part of a job, for which you receive pay and recognition. Hopefully, they also do not engulf your whole day.

But routine that just evolves without critical purpose?  It is like a disease. Once the germ has entered it far too easily takes control.  Perhaps it is the comfort of routine that allows unchecked growth. To have a routine, especially a daily one, takes away any time to think of what ‘might have been’. From a working life shaped by routine, the sense of loss when that familiar pattern disappears overnight might just evoke panic. No wonder that replacement routines soon evolve and ease that panic.

I often wonder what would actually happen if I did not follow my morning and evening hygiene routines. Yes, I would smell I expect, but then who do I see each day?  It would not bother the dogs. I have had major problems with my teeth and gums over the years (since an accident) and religiously follow a long dental hygiene process both morning and evening.  When I am really tired, I toy with skipping some of the evening routine, however, the voice in my head dispels any such thoughts and I continue with the 20 minute routine.  I know that it is important for my overall well being, but I also know that missing one night will not cause all the problems to return.  Back to my guilt complex I suppose!

By writing my blog and taking myself out of boring and potentially damaging routines, I hope to challenge the impact on creativity, but, don’t worry, the dogs will still be fed, watered and walked. Now that is a very interesting topic – canine routine. Dogs just ADORE routine and are better behaved when in that comfort zone – that is my experience anyway. Seems I will have to work harder at breaking my routines without breaking theirs!


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