October 10, 2023

The changes have been slow but determined, like a jigsaw puzzle painstakingly taken apart with fingers numb from ageing and/or illness and the declining dexterity inducing poor temper and tantrums. Or are the fumblings and mood swings an unconscious method of delaying the unwelcome outcome?

It wasn’t a perfect life before but I could usually find a tad of self worth somewhere in the murky mix of the daily grind and unceasing financial pressures; a bit of tasty chicken bobbing about in the remains of a discarded stew. A triumphant tit bit!  But erosion has proved stronger it seems.

I could burn all the self help books and create a one-off energy savings boost and I tire of the ‘wellness’ gurus insisting that ‘me’ time each day is a panacea.

I just need a little hope that I can find the hidden toy in the box of breakfast cereal or successfully manoeuvre the jaws of the miniature crane to capture the star prize in the arcade game.

It can happen. This morning was following the usual groundhog day when I threw 3 Yahtzees in a row to ace my opponent; great pleasure from a small moment in time!


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